Soil Remediation

Effectiveness of chlorine dioxide against Organics and cyanide in water, soils and sludge

Soil remediation using GO2 chlorine dioxide generated onsite can be used to oxidize organically contaminated aqueous waste streams, in addition to simple and complex cyanide in water or soil. Chlorine dioxide is an ideal oxidizing agent because it chemically alters contaminants to salts and non-toxic organic acids. This is applicable to aqueous wastes, soils, or any solid application contaminated with organic compounds. This includes applications to soil and ground water contaminated with pesticides or cyanide, sludges containing cyanide, pentachlorophenol, or other organics, and industrial waste water similar to refinery wastewater.

In soil treatment applications, GO2 can be applied on site via conventional injection wells or surface flushing. the concentration needed to obtain effective soil remediation varies and is solely dependent upon the level of contaminants in the soil.

Since chlorine dioxide reacts via direct oxidation, the process does not form undesirable trihalomethanes (such as what chlorine bleach forms).

Applications for soil remediation with GO2 chlorine dioxide:

  • cyanide
  • sulfides
  • phenols
  • aldehydes
  • THM precursors
  • pesticides
  • algae
  • slime
  • reduced sulfur
  • nematodes

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