Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide in the Food Processing Sector
23 Jul,2021 | Blog
Approved by EPA for potable water applications and FDA for use as a disinfectant in the food processing industry, chlorine dioxide is, indeed, the perfect solution to mitigate a lot of issues faced while conducting cleaning and sanitizing of products, surfaces, and water. Not only does it have less impact on the environment but also destroys and prevents the development of biofilms – one of the biggest challenges for food processing plants.
Chlorine dioxide is already growing in popularity as an effective tool to control microbiological growth in various industries such as dairy, beverages, fruits & vegetables, and poultry, among others. So, in this blog, we discuss the benefits of using chlorine dioxide in the food processing industry.
Reasons to Use Chlorine Dioxide in Food Processing
ClO2 removes the sources of harmful pathogens in the food plant without creating any toxic chlorinated by-products. Apart from this, there are numerous advantages of using chlorine dioxide over other sanitizers.
GO2 TM is the advanced delivery system for ClO2 in the USA and provides the best product packaging in Buena Park. In case you are from California or any other place in the USA and need ClO2 for food processing purposes, feel free to call us and avail of our services.
- Meat Processing
Freshly slaughtered animals are contaminated with pathogenic microbes that are mostly present on the surface of the animals and in the intestinal tracts as well. Here, ClO2 is successfully used as a processing aid. It is added to process water thereby reducing or eliminating the microbial count.
- Washing Food
ClO2 can be easily used for product packaging in Buena Park and is a potent solution to clean and preserve fruits & vegetables, seafood, meat, and a lot of other foodstuffs. It removes noxious microbes like bacteria and fungi and controls the fungal spores as well. This leads to reduced health risks for the consumer and enhanced shelf-life for the produce.
According to the U.S Environmental Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ClO2 is as powerful as peracetic acid and more economical, yet it has minimal effect on the environment compared to other organic elements like chlorine or bromine.
- Wide pH Spectrum
If you are looking for a sanitizer that is not sensitive to pH levels like bromine and chlorine, chlorine dioxide is, indeed, the perfect choice for you. Having a much wider pH spectrum than chlorine, ClO2 is much more versatile and effective in various situations. As it doesn’t react with water, ClO2 can retain its biocidal effectiveness over a wide pH range.
- Disperse Biofilm
Chlorine dioxide not only disperses and inhibits the formation of biofilm but also proves helpful in small cooling towers of food processing facilities where food product contamination can result in the formation of heavy films and algal slimes.
Other than the above-mentioned points, here are some more benefits:
- Chlorine dioxide can successfully be used as a disinfectant and a food-contact surface sanitizer in food processing plants for controlling bacteria and mold.
- It is used for odor control and water purification applications.
- As it is much less corrosive to equipment, it breaks down quickly and doesn’t harm the soil or add any harmful deposits to the ground.
Final Thoughts
The unique properties of chlorine dioxide enable it to be extremely effective without any harmful effects and make it the perfect choice for various applications in the food processing industry.
Now that you know the importance of Chlorine dioxide in the food processing industry, choose a company that offers the best product packaging in Buena Park.